Necessites a algú per atendre les consultes en d'anglès (turístics Idiomes)?
Explica'ns les teves necessitats. admin(at)
Necesitas a alguien para atender las consultas en inglés (turísticos Idiomas)?
Cuéntanos tus necesidades. admin(at)
Need someone to deal with English enquiries (tourist Languages)?
Tell us your needs. admin(at)sitgesbookings.comSEE OUR SERVICES BELOW THE BOOKING.COM CONTENT
Handles everything from the initial enquiry/submission, to the booking confirmation and payment. With money generated by the site going into your account
The form – probably the most important aspect of any booking module, is entirely customisable via the tools admin area. It can be embedding/added to a page or used in the design/side bar.
Enter different prices for different dates of the year. Most owners charge extra during the peak season. You can too.
Control the minimum number of booking days for each location. Along with that, you can set a separate minimum days value for each created seasonal price.
Choose between PayPal and PreBank Transfer (provided after install) or purchase and activate other gateways such as 2Checkout, or Google Checkout.
Offer additional services to your customers such as WiFi access, airport pickup or laundry cleaning. Add any option you want.
Booking calendars are provided with separate “Availability Calendar” pages and one in each venues/room's information/details page.
Is your hotel/house unavailable during some parts of the year? If yes, set them in the back-end and they will be unavailable for booking.
Create a multilingual site where visitors can change the default language, to their requirements.
The included coupon module will allow you to offer discounts for the standard booking fees. Coupon codes created in the back-end can be modified and removed at any time.
If you don’t want to charge the full price online, use the deposit functionality. Have them pay a fixed percentage online and the rest while checking in.
Use the back-end to edit each email sent to visitors as they join and use the site. Codes/words are provided, for automatically including dynamic information (info from your site and admin), inside the emails.
The booking form in this site is pre-loaded with typical fields, which you or we can adjust via the admin/back-end section of this booking tool/system. From there you can alsomanage the actual bookings, form fields, tax, deposits, services, emails and much more.